Students experience a sense of solidarity – that they are indeed their brothers’ and sisters’ keepers – through a variety of service and outreach activities at SJPS. These include:
Raising money for schools of the Central City Ministry.
Adopting families at holidays.
Writing letters as pen pals to elderly/homebound members of the parish.
Preparing food baskets for community outreach organizations.
Collecting coats, hats, and mittens for community outreach programs.
Making decorations for community and parish events.
Visiting the elderly at area nursing homes.
Community Service Opportunities
Many community organizations contact the Christian Formation Office as needs arise. Please do not hesitate to inquire for this information at 419-885-2181. When specific events become available, this information will be posted. Historically, the following organizations have had student volunteer opportunities:
• St. Vincent de Paul
• Sunset House
• The Sylvania Senior Center
• Toledo Northwestern Ohio Food Bank
• Toledo Seagate Food Bank
• The University Church Community Garden
• Josina Lott
• La Posada Family Shelter
• Lutheran Social Services
• Monroe St United Methodist Church Neighborhood Garden
• The Ronald McDonald House
• St. Louis Soup Kitchen