Faith Formation

What is Faith Formation?
The faith formation of students sets Saint Joseph Parish School apart from other area school options. We exist as a school because of our commitment to religious education. Our primary purpose is to promote the development of a responsible Christian way of life. The Diocesan Course of Study serves as the guideline for the religion curriculum.
• Our school day begins and ends with prayer.
• Students attend Mass once a week as members of the all-school community.
• Faith formation takes place as an integrated part of our school day as well as a formal instructional period of 30-45 minutes.
• Middle School Students have a teacher who is specifically focused on Theology.
Students are encouraged to practice their faith by receiving the sacraments, attending school and Sunday liturgy, and participating in service activities throughout the community.
Sacramental Preparation
How do we prepare our students?
Students are prepared for the Sacrament of Reconciliation in the second grade. In celebrating this Sacrament of God’s forgiveness, students learn to re-establish their relationship with God and all people through reflection and contrition. By saying “I am sorry” and hearing “You are forgiven.” Once the preparation for First Reconciliation has been made, students receive the Sacrament for the first time with their families. After this milestone, students will regularly receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation as a class.
Holy Eucharist
The preparation for the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist is also made in the second grade. First Communion usually takes place in early May. All important dates are communicated to families at the beginning of the students’ second-grade year. Preparation for the Sacrament includes a parent program.
Confirmation is celebrated as a community event that seals a Christian’s membership in Christ’s Body through the Spirit which constantly renews and brings new life to the Church.
At Saint Joseph Parish School, students currently in grades eight and above who desire the Sacrament are invited to participate in the process. Having celebrated First Communion, all prospective candidates are expected to attend a Catholic school or be involved in a systematic religious education process (summer program or family program) for an additional three years prior to the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation. It is also expected that candidates celebrate Sunday Eucharistic liturgy on a weekly basis as well as the Holy Days of Obligation.
For further details please contact Mandy Seymour,, or Bradley McNeal,, in the Office of Youth Formation.