Pastor's Letter

Dear Friends,
The ministry of Catholic Education is at the heart of Saint Joseph Parish. At the very beginning of our entrance into the Church, we acknowledge that parents will be the first teachers of their children in the ways of the faith. Our parish community is happy to be a partner in this education. That is why we have Saint Joseph Parish School.
This partnership between home and parish school can provide the very best education and formation for all the children of God.
We create in our parish school community an atmosphere invigorated by the Gospel. We aim to help children and adolescents, in their development, so that their growth will be mirrored by the growth that we are called to by our baptism. We teach so that our students will be able to know well the way the world is created so that they can assist in making all of God’s creation into His Temple.
Welcome to this wonderful partnership!
In the Spirit of Saint Joseph,
Rev. Msgr. Michael R. Billian

Principal's Letter

Enrolling your child in school is a significant milestone. At Saint Joseph Parish School, we partner with parents, the primary educators, to provide academic excellence in a Catholic environment. We welcome students from ages k through eighth grade. Our preschool through grade 5 is located on the west campus, while grades 6-8 are on the east campus.
Faith formation is central to our mission. Students attend weekly liturgies, engage in daily faith reflection, and participate in programs like Positive Direction and service projects benefiting local charities. Our curriculum is rigorous, aligned with state standards, and infused with Gospel values, fostering both academic excellence and a strong Catholic identity.
We are committed to cultivating a growth mindset in our students, encouraging them to embrace challenges, learn from feedback, and persevere in their academic and personal development. Our dedicated faculty enriches the academic experience with art, music, physical education, and Spanish. We offer classroom support through teacher assistants and resource teachers, with accelerated math classes available in grades 6-8.
Our success is strengthened by the involvement and partnership of our parents. We encourage you to join our active Parent-Teacher Organization and get involved in your child’s education.
Please call 419-882-6670 to schedule a tour or shadow day.