Positive Direction
Positive Direction is a year-long program for middle school students at Saint Joseph Parish School (with the support and encouragement from elementary students). The purpose of the program is to demonstrate to our students the importance of setting goals and making positive choices to achieve these goals. During the year, students will have the opportunity to learn from motivational and inspirational speakers who will cover important topics such as respect for self and others, consequences and behavioral effects of drugs and alcohol, and social media dangers. They will also learn about the importance of faith and living a life that is healthy in mind, body, and spirit.
In May, the Positive Direction program closes with three days of special events. These events include Mass for grades 3-8, a breakfast with parents, a day of community service, a spiritual retreat and speakers on various topics. In an effort to celebrate the talents of all students, there is an essay contest, a slogan/theme contest, and a T-shirt design contest. On Friday, the final day of this special week, the 7th and 8th grade students will participate in a Best Foot Forward 5L/3K Challenge and will celebrate the week’s completion with an afternoon of fun. This is truly a highlight to middle school!